Saturday, February 21, 2009


I use an old digital camera to take all pictures of records that you see posted on this blog. It was maybe the first digital camera that my dad ever bought for the family, or at least one of the first. Since then we've had several others, and this one has been passed around among family members. I ultimately ended up with it, so it's what I use. There was a memory card in it when it was given to me, which I have since filled up due to taking all of these pictures of records (not these on the blog, but maintaining individual photos of every record, tape, CDR, and limited CD for my tradelist on So pretty much on a weekly basis I have to go through the memory card and delete photos to make room for new ones. They're all uploaded to a photobucket account, so they don't really need to be kept on the card. Each time I do this, I skip through a few non-record pictures, for whatever reason, and keep them on the camera. I don't know why I do this since they probably are already uploaded to my computer somewhere, and if not, I could easily do that. In any case I am going to post them here because I am bored. Here they are:

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