Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is the inaugural posting of my new blog (formerly That blog initially did contain some postings with actual content, but eventually changed into essentially just having photos / lists of what music I got each week. Which was fine, but boring. This new blog will contain several different types of postings., as follows:

1)Expert In The Art Of Frivolous Spending

Rather than the old "Weekly Friday Update," updates concerning the music I got will have the title of the old blog as the heading. That is, "Expert In The Art Of Frivolous Spending." I love the Mountain Goats and I should listen to him / them more, really. The title is so very suitable that getting rid of it altogether would just be careless. Another change to this type of entry is that it will no longer occur on Fridays. It really didn't make much sense to do that in the first place. That only started because of being up at school during the week, and then coming home on Friday to an array of packages, and then working Saturday and Sunday. Friday nights were good to relax, listen to my new records, and make my pointless entries. Now that I, for the most part, have off on weekends and am not at school at all anymore...

Graduated, did not drop out..
Thus it makes more sense for me to make the entry over the weekend now.

2)Weekly Weight Loss

This was explained in the final entry of the old blog, so I will not go into too many details here. Basically, used to be a chubber, dropped weight by a significant amount in a short period of time, kept it off. Then decided to pig out (to a massive extent, often resulting in making myself sick) around the holidays and see how much I could gain, and subsequently how long it would take to lose it.

3) Whatever else I feel like posting. This will likely include stories from work, photos of strange things, photos of myself, and me gushing about tapes and records.

Lastly, regarding the name change...Black Pyramid is the new name I've given to my recordings. These go back a while. You can see an old blog posting with the dets of my entire discography, minus Cult Of Shiv & The Solar Owl Band here. If you actually go to that link, Black Pyramid only includes things from Burning Churches onward through The Solar Owl Band. I have four distinct "albums" I'd like to put out, but I've been saying that for so long that I don't know if it will actually happen. The last thing I recorded was on April 4th (or 11th?), 2008, prior to going to my then girlfriend's birthday party. My 4-track was then damaged, so I've not gotten around to doing anything since then. I do have the means, I think, to record just might require more effort.

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