Sunday, February 15, 2009


Here are some interesting things.

This is a belt buckle that someone (I don't know who) gave to my mom or dad in church last week for some reason (I don't know why). I thought it was really strange and so did my mom. So I decided I'd take it. I don't think I'm hip enough to wear a belt buckle, and I also don't think that that particular belt buckle is hip, so maybe I will wear it one day.

This is an energy drink that I found at Dollar Tree recently. I've also liked energy drinks since I first tried Red Bull many years ago. Way before that whole giving you wings campaign started, or Jäger bombs existed. In any case, I don't know exactly what this "Push It" drink tastes like, but it's good, and it does remind me of Red Bull. Which is another drink I never really knew what the flavor of was, but liked it. Random energy drinks are not that interesting, I know. But I thought that the can of this one was. There's so much going on. There's a dragon, some dragonflies, two Les Paul bodied guitars, some hands giving the peace sign, some actual peace signs in the background, some skulls with roses for the eyes, some other birds (doves?), stars, crosses, lip prints, and who knows what else. And the supplement facts are so correct...3 calories, 1.7mg of vitamin B2, 6mcg of vitamin B12? mcg? I've never seen micrograms listed in nutrition facts. I just found it to be kind of absurd, but I like it.

Lastly, I love Crayola's fabric markers and making my own tshirts. Here are some of them:

This one's obviously an Ajilvsga shirt.

Prurient shirt...

And this one's just really strange new age / Young Tapes inspired. I'm wearing it right now. There's another one that's like this with random little things drawn on it, and it's a nice shade of gray, too. But I seem to have misplaced it. If I do locate it, I'll post it here.


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