Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wooden Wand

I've been listening to a ton of Wand lately. I've been wanting to gush about how great his new LP is, but have been too lazy to do so. But now I'll say it..new Wand LP, Born Bad, is great. I wasn't expecting much of it, honestly. I love everything he did with the Vanishing Voice, and I was a big fan of the Harem Of The Sundrum & the Witness Figg album, but other than that his solo efforts have seemed kind of hit-or-miss for me. James & The Quiet was nice enough, as was his contribution to Three Lobed's Modern Containment series. But last year's album under his own actual name (James Jackson Toth, of course), I found to be weak / boring / unmemorable. The thing is, after listening to Born Bad and loving it so much, I've gone back and relistened to all of his older stuff that I hadn't really been into, and really they're all pretty strong albums. Looking forward for the next one to drop which isn't too far off at all.

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