Saturday, April 24, 2010


I now have a means to rip cassette tapes to digital files.
What this means for you is that you can make a request of a tape that I have, and I will then make a digital files for you. Within reason. That is, if the tape is still in print/easily available, I won't do it. If the tape is some massive C90+, and it's not something that I particularly enjoy, I might not do it. And if I do do it, I might not put the effort into separating tracks. If an artist/label asks not to have their stuff uploaded, I will remove the link as soon as possible.
Anyway, to see a list of my tape collection, head over to this blog . See anything you're interested in, let me know and I'll do what I can, when I can.


  1. hey man, thanks for your great blog. Half of the time I don't know something's been released until you list it.

    That said--any chance you could rip the Mark McGuire "Invisible World" cs? It's sold out everywhere I look.... Thanks in advance!

  2. Hey dude, you've got a great collection. I've been looking all over for that Amazing Births tape. Is there any chance you could rip it? I've been wanting to hear it for a while!

