Monday, April 19, 2010


My first "album" as Cordyceps is finished. I've (temporarily) titled it Fireworks, though that is subject to change. It's 5 tracks, 36 minutes and 42 seconds long, and was written/improvised/recorded over the past week or so. It is also the first time I've recorded, or even played any music in about two years exactly. It can maybe sound unfocused at times, but overall I actually really like it. I've got twelve "followers" on here, thought I don't know if anyone actually "follows" this, so I might be writing this to no one, but you're welcome/encouraged to download it. And leave feedback. Even negative stuff.

Cordyceps - "Fireworks" (Mediafire link, zip file)
1) Decorational Rugs (4:37)
2) Pulsar (2:41)
3) Deimos Anomaly (8:56)
4) Prognosis Negative (4:49)
5) Abominable Abdominal Stars (15:42)

Also, add me on MySpace.

If you download it, and you enjoy it, and would like a physical copy, I will send you one for free, with the above artwork. I'm personally really sick of artists releasing digital-only albums/eps, especially ones that they charge money for. But even the free ones. As this blog shows, I like physical releases. :-)

Lastly, to explain the name...

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