Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekly Friday Update

(photo one)
Bird Show Band|Bird Show Band|Amish, LP
Guanaco|Sky Burials|Blackest Rainbow, LP
Mountains|Etching|Thrill Jockey, LP
Neon Indian|Psychic Chasms|Lefse, LP]

(photo two)
Real Estate|Reality|Mexican Summer, 12"
Sunburned Circle|The Blaze Game|Conspiracy, LP
Sunburned Hand Of The Man|A|Ecstatic Peace!, LP
Toro Y Moi|Causers Of This|Carpark, LP]

(photo three)
Bil Vermette|Katha Visions|Rainforest Productions, LP
Vibracathedral Orchestra|Joka Baya|VHF, LP
Vibracathedral Orchestra|The Secret Base|VHF, LP
Vibracathedral Orchestra|Smoke Song|VHF, LP]

(photo four)
Yellow Swans|Going Places|Type, LP
Best Coast|Something In The Way|Post Present Medium, 7"
Ash Pool|For Which He Plies The Lash|Hospital / Tour De Garde, CD
Yellow Swans|Being There|Type, CD
Innercity|In Fetal Aura|Upstairs, CDR
Manic Shooter|Dog Master Teleportation|Upstairs, CDR
Geoff Mullen & Keith Fullerton Whitman|November 28th, 2009|Upstairs, CDR
(J.D.) Daniel Emmanuel|Trance-formations I: Ancient Minimal Meditations|North Star Productions, CS
Outer Space|Lightyear Demonstrations|Deception Island, 2xCS
Telecult Powers|Orgone Freakout: A Happening With The Telecult Powers|Deceptions Island, CS]

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