Sunday, September 13, 2009


Cold Cave|Cremations|Hospital, LP
The Beatles|Revolver|Apple, CD
The Beatles|Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band|Apple, CD
The Beatles|Magical Mystery Tour|Apple, CD
The Beatles|The BEATLES|Apple, 2xCD
The Beatles|Abbey Road|Apple, CD
Noveller|Red Rainbows|No Fun, CD
???|???|???, CD
Lunar Miasma|Blackest Haze|Small Doses, 3"CDR]

I THINK I've got it together. Maybe. I hope.
Anyway, don't really know what that CD next to the Noveller one is. No Fun just sent it to me as an extra, haven't been able to check it out. Wish I had more disposable income so that I could have just bought the box set of the Beatles remasters all at once and overall saved a few bucks. But whatever. I'll grab the last 9 in three sets of three I think. I was hesitant in picking them up at all since I've got the 1987 CDs, and have several on vinyl as well. And I don't even have a good system right now that I'll be able to notice the improvements THAT well. But I'm glad I did decide to dive in. I've been enjoying the ones I picked up..nice glossy packaging, too. And really, I can't get sick of the Beatles.

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