Sunday, March 1, 2009


I kinda failed in writing any sort of review-like blurbs. And I don't really feel like writing any now either. BUT..seriously, as stated earlier this week, get the Mountains album. And also, get the Real Estate 7". We had some kinda nice weather here for a couple of days (right now it's snowing though, total bummer) and I was happy to have that 7" here. I have never listened to a 7" as many times in a such a short period of time as I've listened to that one. "Black Lake" is a great track. All 3 songs make for one excellent little piece of vinyl. White vinyl. And it comes with a CDR with all of the songs on it. So again, for those of you without a turntable, get it anyway. And get a turntable too. My shitty little $12 walkman has not been working out so well..too much background I haven't really given most of those new tapes a good listen. I'd better work something out though since I have about 30 or so more new cassettes on the way. I ordered a lot of crap last week. Maybe one day I'll begin a new section on this blog where I keep track of all that I've got coming to me in the mail. I do have that posted on the internet somewhere...on my XANGA site...which I guess the URL for it is this, though that entry, and all others except for two, are private, so you aren't able to see my gross financial expenditures. But one day you will. I also got two Harmony Korine related items this week in the mail...the Mister Lonely DVD and the Collected Fanzines book on Drag City. I breezed through the book since it's not exactly a lot of actual reading / text to take in, but it is a lot to take in in other ways. The film is definitely very different from his previous work..certainly more accessible and "normal," while still being weird by the standards of most. I've only gotten to watch it once, but I plan on watching it again very soon. I also liked that he included an Iris Dement song in it. Anyway, off to bed.

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