Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekly Friday Update

(photo one)
Beach House|Teen Dream|SubPop, 2xLP+DVD
jj|jj no.2.1|Sincerely Yours, LP
Robert A.A. Lowe & Rose Lazar|Eclipses|Thrill Jockey, LP
Robert A.A. Lowe|Fazo IV: La Kvalito De Speguloj|Rainbow Body, LP]

(photo two)
Pale Blue Sky|Shades Of Grey|Arbor, LP
Pill Wonder|Jungle/Surf|Underwater Peoples, LP

Small Black|Small Black|Cass Club, LP
The XX|The XX|Young Turks, LP]

(photo three)
Small Black / Washed Out|Split|Lovepump United, 7"
Woods|To Clean|Half Machine, 7"
Woods|I Was Gone|Woodsist, 7"
Emeralds|Emeralds|Hanson, CD
High Places|03/07-09/07|Thrill Jockey, CD

Headboggle|Clavioline Demo And Living Stereo|Wagon, CDR
V/A|Peasant Magik Presents: PM50|Peasant Magik, 8x3"CDR
Cloaked Light|Plain Curtain|Arbor, CS
Harmonizer|Harmonizer|Nu New Age, CS
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma|Bloodstream Sermon|Arbor, CS

Brett Naucke|Southern California|Arbor, CS
Nautilus|Blaster Vision|Nu New Age, CS]

Here's what's in the PM50 box.
On the left side going down:

Valerio Cosi + Greg Kowalsky + Fabio Orsi
Andrew Paine
Super Minerals
Natural Snow Buildings

then in the middle is the "zine" insert (reverse side is mostly just the cover art for the 8 CDRs)

down the right:

Pillars Of Heaven
Fabio Orsi / throuRoof
The North Sea
Big Blood

The box is a little light/weak, unfortunately. And it's a little tight, too, with the zine shoved in. The CDRs themselves look great though. The little cases look very nice.

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